Shamanic Energy Healing

elevate the quality of your energy field to improve your body, mind, and spirit

Heal your Luminous Body and return to living in Ayni — right relationship with yourself and all life around you. Open yourself to this ancient practice combining energetic physical healing with spiritual enlightenment.

Through ancient rituals, ceremonies, energetic transmissions, and journeying into non-ordinary realms of consciousness, Elizabeth can help you restore harmony and balance by seeing and clearing your underlying causes of distress such as toxic energies in your chakras, inherited generational maladies, harmful ancestral contracts and cords, and trauma across lifetimes.

Enter the world of mystery and magic, experience infinity, and heal your Luminous Body.

Far too many people are living with dis-ease and trauma. Shamanic healing is a gentle, love and light-filled experience that supports and amplifies actions that are rooted in wellness and oriented towards your highest destiny.

Shamanism can help to heal your unresolved emotions or wounds living inside you, as well as those emotions connected to relationships with loved ones - including your loved ones who have died.

Shamanism also prepares us for the journey from this life to the next. If you are living with a chronic or terminal illness, work with Elizabeth in sacred space to ready yourself for your journey.

Shamanic Energy Healing is powerful medicine that supports us at all stages of our life.

Shamanic energy medicine healing

  • Illumination

    A gentle, loving and light-filled process that clears stagnant or toxic energies residing in our chakras and illuminates our energy body. It clears imprints that can cause distress and disease, and restores the flow of positive energy in the body.

  • extraction

    Our energy field is harmed by trauma, illness, karma, and negative ancestral energies. Energetic extraction removes negative energies, entities, cords, or intrusions from your luminous energy field.

  • Soul Retrieval

    During traumatic events, a part of our soul (or life force) can become fragmented or lost. Through journeying into the collective unconscious and stepping into non-linear time, this healing accesses the chambers of the Lower and Upper Worlds, and aims to retrieve and reintegrate your lost soul parts. This journey heals core wounds, and offers insight into seeing your highest destiny.

Journey aRound the medicine wheel

Get to know the Four Directions and integrate this ancient wisdom for your Highest Good.

In the South, meet your inner Serpent and learn to shed your past the way your Serpent sheds its skin — all at once! Cultivate a practice of living with non-judgment, non-attachment, non-suffering and beauty.

In the West, meet your inner Jaguar and learn to travel beyond death. Say yes to living fearlessly and with certainty. Heal the wounds living inside you and within your ancestral lineage. Walk a path of integrity.

In the North, meet your inner Hummingbird and learn to drink only from the nectar of life. Say yes to going on your own epic journey — the one your soul came here to take. Practice stillness while in flight. Connect to the mysteries of life.

In the East, meet your inner Eagle and learn to soar above your obstacles with grace and ease. Gain clarity of vision, see your Highest Destiny, and fly towards it — not soley for your own benefit but for the enlightenment of all life in the cosmos.

This requires commitment, discipline, a beginner’s mind, and an open heart.

Shamanism is as old as humankind and thriving today in various cultures around the world, particularly among Indigenous communities who have long maintained and held sacred this wisdom for millennia. Elizabeth owes a debt of deep gratitude to renowned medical anthropologist and Shaman Dr. Alberto Villoldo and medicine woman Marcella Lobos of the Four Winds Society Healing the Light Body School and the Q’ero Shamanic lineage under which she has trained, been initiated, and received 10 Shamanic Sacred Rites. The Indigenous Q'ero nation of Peru are people considered to be the last remaining descendants of the Inca, and they have preserved their shamanic practices for many centuries in the remote Andes mountains.

Elizabeth commits to work in this healing art with impeccability, integrity, and deep respect for the Q’ero lineage and their shamanic practices which have been made available to Elizabeth and other westerners.

“My Shamanic healing experience stayed with me for weeks. The beautiful sensation became my trusted friend. Elizabeth’s non-judgmental and loving nature, along with her intuitive abilities, guided me to release the most difficult of repressed memories. She didn’t dictate the healing but rather encouraged it to happen from deep within me. This is your opportunity to walk a deep path in support of your own healing.” — LM, Bradley Beach, NJ

“At first I was very skeptical but experiencing an Illumination has turned me into a believer. Totally worth it!” — PA; Hilton Head, SC


What’s involved in a session?

We begin by opening sacred space and calling in the four directions and the Shamanic lineage to guide and protect us. We enter into conversation, focusing on a current challenge, pain, emotion, or limiting belief that holds you back from living your best life. You are invited to blow that wound into one of Elizabeth’s kuyas (medicine stones), and then Spirit takes over. Elizabeth enters non-linear time and with the guidance of her Jaguar, she tracks your luminous energy field looking for the places that need healing. Future sessions with Elizabeth can allow her to journey into the collective unconscious on your behalf and for your highest destiny. All sessions end with a brief sharing on the experience, insights learned, and suggestions for processing and integrating the healing in daily life.

How do I prepare for my session and what do I wear?

Elizabeth recommends that 2 to 3 days prior to your session, please refrain from drinking alcohol and recreational drug use. Also, please increase your water intake, ensuring that you are well-hydrated. If you don’t have a regular meditative practice, try to spend a few quiet, contemplative minutes each day leading up to you session - tuning in to your higher mind to connect with the essence of what you want to focus on during your healing.

Whether in-person or on Zoom, please dress in comfortable clothing. We will sit together during the brief beginning and closing conversations; during the healing you will be lying down and fully-clothed. There’s very little touching but Elizabeth will place her hands behind your head and neck, pressing gently into your cranial deepening and releasing points throughout the session.

Is this safe?

Shamanic healing is considered a very safe and effective healing modality as long as you are working with an experienced practitioner trained from a reputable teacher connected to an authentic shamanic lineage. Elizabeth’s training is from the Q’ero lineage, and her studies and certification are from the Four Winds Society Light Body School, under the direction of renowned medical anthropologist and shaman Dr. Alberto Villoldo, PhD. More about Elizabeth’s training can be found on the About page.

will shamanic healing treat my illness?

Shamanic Energy Medicine heals — it doesn’t cure; as such it doesn't treat specific diseases directly, but aims to restore overall energetic balance and harmony which allows our body's innate healing abilities to function optimally. Emotional trauma, spiritual crises, chronic conditions, psychosomatic illnesses, karma, negative ancestral entities, and generational contracts can all be healed through shamanic healing sessions.

what is a chakra?

Our chakras are energy centers that spin and allow life force energy to flow freely in a balanced system. There is a correlation between the locations of the chakras and the intersections of the nervous system and endocrine system in the body. This overlap between chakras and the nervous and endocrine systems provides a bridge between the subtle energy body concepts of Eastern traditions and the physical body mapped by Western medicine. Shamanic healing, regular meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, and chakra-balancing practices can help keep these wheels of energy open and aligned.

How can I sense my energy field?

A simple way to connect with your energy body: think of a time when someone “invaded your personal space”. We all know how that feels — we feel it in the space around our physical body.

Now, think of a time when you were angry or frustrated with someone and you took your energetic sling shot and sent a harmful dart into that person’s energy field. Got it? Let’s admit it: we have all done this. Now, think of a time when you felt someone shooting a dart into your energy body. We can be 10 feet away or across the country from each other, but we feel it nonetheless.

Our energy bodies hold these harms. Our energy bodies hold generational trauma and illness. We need to clear and heal our energy bodies before these imprints manifest as physical, dense matter.

how is this different from other energy modalities?

Shamanic healing is guided by ancient earth-honoring traditions, spirit guides and the shaman's visionary abilities. Shamanic healing is deeply rooted in the belief that there are unseen spirit realms that can be accessed and interacted with by the shaman. Also, a core concept in shamanic traditions is the belief that during traumatic events, parts of an individual's soul or life essence can become fragmented or lost, leading to illness or imbalance. Shamans perform soul retrieval ceremonies to retrieve these lost soul parts and reintegrate them into the individual's energetic field. They also practice extraction techniques to remove negative energies, entities, or intrusions that may be causing harm. This focus on healing the soul level is unique to shamanism. Lastly, Shamanic healing is rooted in an animistic worldview, which acknowledges the interconnectedness of all life and the belief that everything in nature has a spirit essence. Shamans work to foster harmonious relationships with the spirits of plants, animals, and the natural world, as well as with ancestral spirits and spirit guides. Authentic shamanic practices are deeply tied to specific cultural and ethnic lineages, often passed down through generations of indigenous or tribal communities. The techniques, rituals, and belief systems are steeped in the unique cosmologies and traditions of these cultures. In contrast, many other energy healing modalities are more modern or eclectic in nature, without the same level of long-standing ancestral roots.

I hear that Shamanism utilizes plant medicine — does Elizabeth work with plant medicine?

While some Shamanic practices are known to incorporate plant medicine, Elizabeth does not utilize nor offer plant medicine in her shamanic healing practice. Since November 1998, Elizabeth has lived a sober life and refrains from chemically altering the way she feels. As such, she relies upon her disciplined and long-term meditative practice which has opened a pathway to working in the realm of the subtle body and accessing higher states of consciousness.

Ready to schedule a shamanic Healing?

Elizabeth works with clients in-person and virtually on Zoom. In-person sessions take place at her studio — located in coastal Monmouth County, NJ. Sessions in private homes, wellness centers, and other healing spaces are also possible.

have more questions?

Elizabeth offers complimentary 15-minute chats (via phone or Zoom) to answer your questions.

Please don’t hesitate to be in touch.